

I’m Alli, a watercolor and digital illustrator and artist.

How I Started


I started painting at age 28 and after having two kids. I was always interested in art as a kid, though my highest praise came from my high school art teacher. She was really kind about my terrifying sketch of a woman whose head was giant dentures. I’m happy to say my taste has evolved, though I’ll always have a soft spot for my tooth woman.

It was really my brother, Zach and accidental library book browsing that led me back to art.

After working in non-profit marketing for children’s cancer research, I decided to stay home with my sons and start a freelance writing business. I spent a lot of my time with families facing intense suffering, and it was becoming a lot to handle day in and day out.

Needing a creative outlet to help process grief, I began painting and writing poetry. My brother’s example and short life taught me to make sure I was sharing my talents, even in small ways.

I found watercolor books while I was browsing poetry at the library, and the new modern twists really drew me in.

I’m the kind of person who is unhinged when it comes to learning new things, so I gave it a try and couldn’t stop.

My entire life should essentially have a byline that says, “Brought to you by the local library.” Almost everything I’ve learned comes from one art book or another. I use art as a means to explore and enjoy life, and to see it a bit differently. I also enjoy being one of those geriatric dinosaur artists who learned something new late in life. You’re never too old!


Inspiration + Style

  • I primarily do watercolor or digital with watercolor qualities. I love how watercolor allows for the unexpected.

  • I draw my inspiration from old children’s books that I find in antique stores or people’s attics and basements. I also adore Scandinavian folk art. My house is adorned with many Dala horses.

  • My kids inform a lot of my work. For example, a chipmunk arrived at our kitchen door one morning, and he said, “I wish he had a tiny bow tie.” Wish granted. My business is named after my kids.

A little bit more…


  • I’m based in the hearty Midwest.

  • I’m a character in the Disney+ movie Clouds. It’s about my way cooler younger brother.

  • I’m a health and science writer by trade with a specialty in nonprofit marketing. I have a B.A. from the University of Minnesota in professional journalism and English.

  • My other passions include reading historical fiction, crochet, and eating meals I don’t have to cook.


Traditional Watercolor Illustration

Digital Illustration

Custom Watercolor Art

Custom Digital Art